Gilded stucco reliefs
V. Villareale, Minerva come Ragione fra la Stabilità e la Legislazione, particolare, Caserta Palazzo Reale, sala di Astrea
In the plasterwork model of Minerva as Reason between Stability and Legislation, the figure of Minerva was bereft of a helmet, whilst that of Stability was naked. It was only after the Bourbon Restoration that Domenico Masucci modelled the additional pieces in accordance with the preferences of the sovereign.
The relief of Astraea with Hercules and the Provinces of the Kingdom, however, commissioned by Murat from the German sculptor Konrad Heinrich Schweickle, was completed by Villareale with broad intervention by Masucci.
The relief of Astraea with Hercules and the Provinces of the Kingdom, however, commissioned by Murat from the German sculptor Konrad Heinrich Schweickle, was completed by Villareale with broad intervention by Masucci.