Medieval Itinerary - Benevento

Santa Sofia Church

Built in the eighteenth century by Arechi II, the Church of Santa Sofia is one of the most significant monuments of the Lombard period. It preserves fragments of a cycle of frescos depicting stories of Christ, considered one of the most quintessential representations of high-medieval painting. The church, one of the contributing factors that led to Benevento being listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011, was linked to a Benedictine abbey which is now home to the Museo del Sannio (The Samnite Museum).

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  • Address: Piazza Santa Sofia, Benevento (BN)
  • E-Mail:
  • Phone#: 0824 21206
  • Booking phone#: +39 0824 323311
  • Opening: Every day from 8am to 12am.
    Afternoon: from 4:30pm to 8pm (summertime). From 4pm to 7pm (winter time).
  • Price: Free entrance