Quartieri di San Ferdinando e San Carlo

Caserta, San Leucio, Quartieri di San Ferdinando e San Carlo
Rationality in planning and simplicity of form characterise the lodgings of the quarters of San Ferdinando and San Carlo, arranged along the two sides of the access gate to the village. These were home to a total of 37 families and were based on repetition of square modules. Inside the housing units there was a double-height compartment to house the loom.
- Address: Complesso monumentale del Belvedere, Caserta, San Leucio (CE)
- E-Mail: belvedere@comune.caserta.it
- Phone#: 0823 301817- 273151
- Opening: Guided visit only.
Winter: everyday from 9:30 AM to 6 PM (last visit entrance 5 PM)
Closed on Tuesdays and on the following days: January 1st, Easter (afterntoon), Easter Monday, Augst 15th, Christmas Eve (afternoon), December 31st (afternoon)