Campania Amphitheatre

The Campania Amphitheatre was inaugurated by Antonino Pio in 155 A.D., but its construction dates back to the first century B.C. Some scholars believe, however, that it is not as old as that, and should be dated around the first or second century A.D., when it was built on top of an older structure. The layout takes an elliptical form and the structure is built over four levels, with seating that could hold up to 40,000 spectators. The arches of the first three levels were embellished with busts of gods, which can now be seen on the facade of the Palazzo Comunale and in the Provincial Museum of Campania in Capua.
- Address: Piazza I Ottobre, Caserta, Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE)
- E-Mail:
- Phone#: +39 0823 798864
- Booking phone#: +39 0823 798864
- Opening: Everyday from 9am till dawn. Closed on Monday.
- Price: full rate € 2,50, reduced rate € 1,25