San Potito Sannitico

Parco Regionale del Matese

Parco Regionale del Matese

Extended between two regions, Campania and Molise and including the provinces of Benevento, Caserta, Campobasso and Isernia, the park is one of the most interesting and variegated naturalistic, historical, artistical  and environmental landscapes of the central and southern Appenini mountains.

  • Address: Piazza della Vittoria 31, San Potito Sannitico (CE)
  • E-Mail:
  • Phone#: 0823 786015
  • Transportation: By car: on the A1, coming from the north, exit at Caianello, take the SP 372 "Telesina" (clearway Caianello-Benevento), exit at Dragoni/Piedimonte Matese. Coming from the south, exit at Caserta Nord, then follow the signs for Caiazzo/Piedimonte Matese.
    By train: the Alifana railway connects Piedimonte Matese to Naples and to various towns in the valley of the middle Volturno and the Terra di Lavoro.
    By coach: the most frequent bus routes are those run by Ferrazza di Piedimonte Matese, by the CPTC, which link the Matese mountains with the main towns of Campania and Molise.
    By plane: around 45 km from Capodichino airport (Naples).