Naples, 1797 - Naples, 1874
Camillo Guerra

Camillo Guerra attended the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Naples where he was taught by Costanzo Angelini, one of the greatest exponents of the Neapolitan neoclassical period. In 1822, he won the academic scholarship, a competition which enabled the best students at the Royal Institute of Fine Arts to complete their studies in Rome. In the Italian capital, he came into contact with Benvenuti and Camuccini who strongly influenced his style. In 1827, he was nominated honorary professor of the Royal Institute of Fine Arts in Naples. Guerra created works of a historical, mythological and religious nature, many of which are still preserved in the royal palaces of Naples and Caserta and in the Museum of Capodimonte, and he was also responsible for fresco works, including: Paradise, for the Church of the Gerolamini (1846-1857), the frescos of the Chapel of San Michele at Gaeta Castle and those of the Cathedral of Aversa.